Does your car need a new paint job? Very possibly – and perhaps for reasons you haven’t even considered! Here are 10 signs that a trip to the body shop could not only make your car shinier, but improve your life as well!
1. Your Car’s Nickname is “Old Scratch”
Old Scratch is a folk name for the devil, and all those deep scratches in your car’s finish may be a sign you need to repaint before they lead to rust and the diabolical deterioration of your car’s body.
2. Your Car Has a Fade
Whatever you think of the Fade haircut, a faded car is a sure sign your car needs a good paint job. Protect your fresh paint by having professional car waxes at least four times a year.
3. Your Car Looks Like It Has Sunburn
When the paint begins to peel away from your car’s basecoat, it’s time to act. Signs of peeling paint include discolored areas, paint bubbles or long-neglected chips in your car’s paint.
4. Your Car Bores You
A fresh paint job is a great way to jazz up your old wheels. A Ferrari Red station wagon? Why not? A good paint shop can usually match the color of your super-car dreams!
5. Your Car Always Looks Dirty
If you hate the car wash, consider a clever paint job! Silver and grey cars hide dust and road grime well, allowing you to wash them less often.
6. You Want More Dates
Men and women go for different car colors, according to a study conducted by iSeeCars. Think of paint as perfume for your car, and choose a new color to attract a potential mate. In order of preference, try red, orange, black or white, green to attract a man, and silver and brown, gold or beige to catch a woman’s eye.
7. You Want to Stay Cool and Green
From a green perspective, white and silver cars are cool – and black cars are bad news. The reason? Light-colored cars reflect sunlight and remain cooler, while dark cars absorb heat. Repaint in a light shade, and you’ll need less air-conditioning, increase fuel economy and decrease emissions.
8. You Want to Look Richer
Move yourself a step closer to the luxury vehicle you covet, by offering your current car a luxury paint job! Industry surveys show that most luxury cars are either silver or white. Color yourself wealthy!
9. You Want to Be Richer
To assure maximum resale value for your car, get a silver, white, black or gray paint job. Colors like purple, orange or bright yellow can put you at a disadvantage in the resale market, lowering your car’s value by hundreds or even thousands of dollars!
10. You Want Infinite Variety
Why settle for just one car color? A chameleon paint job makes the color of your car change in response to ambient light and heat conditions, offering seeming endless color variations.
Whatever color option you choose – and for whatever reasons – a new paint job is a great way to add new style to your car, and excitement to your life!