On the Internet, you can find a lot of information about the history of airbrush and airbrush, the tool that allows you to see real masterpieces of art on the bodies of cars on the roads of cities.
Works made in private apartments and cottages are less available for everyone’s review. Airbrushes can also be put on motorcycles, helmets, notebooks, cell phones, and many other things. Everything depends on an owner’s imagination and his desire to add exclusiveness to some object.
Even though airbrush is applied on many items, its quality depends on following a complicated technological process, similar to car painting. It lies in surface preparation for drawing, does the drawing itself, and covers it with a protective layer of varnish. Technological processes and consumables used may vary depending on the sphere of aerography application. Such are nail design, body art, painting scenery in theaters, interior design, painting of souvenirs, auto tuning, and many others.
A person who airbrushes is called an airbrush artist (or, not to be confused with the tool itself, an airbrush artist or airbrush technician). It is from him that the quality of the applied drawing depends. The picture quality implies such important things as drawing details (detailing) of the picture, composition, volume, matching the interior style, making the car body dynamic, etc. The airbrush chooses its own consumables to achieve the goal.
In large airbrush studios, the composition and drawing style are divided between the designer and the painter. Therefore, to improve the quality of the drawing, they should cooperate and consult closely.
The client also plays an important role in the process of drawing. Having come to the airbrush studio, a client should work out terms of reference beforehand or develop an idea that the studio designers can develop. Therefore, the designer should know his business well, help the client refuse bad ideas beforehand, and offer a fresh, appropriate solution.
It is perfect when the qualities of artist and designer are combined, and they are at a good level in one person. As a rule, such people achieve success in any chosen sphere of airbrushing. To sum it up: airbrush is not a simple painting, but a complicated process that requires an attentive approach, and real professionals shall perform it. Correspondingly, this pleasure is not cheap.